Glavni sadržaj
Solidarnost EU-a s Ukrajinom
A driver moving a bus donated by Luxemburg city from the EU Civil Protection Mechanism’s logistic hub to the platform that will ship it to Ukraine
Missiles cannot destroy Solidarity

School buses for Ukraine campaign one year after

nanesena obrazovnom sustavu u Ukrajini
5,7 milijuna
djece školske dobi pogođeno je ruskom agresijom
Više od 2800
obrazovnih objekata oštećeno je ili uništeno

Kampanja solidarnosti za doniranje autobusa

Komisija poziva subjekte iz privatnog i javnog sektora u EU-u i šire da udruže snage i pokažu solidarnost doniranjem autobusa u nadolazećim mjesecima kako bi se djeca u Ukrajini sigurno vratila u škole.

Donirati se može putem Mehanizma EU-a za civilnu zaštitu, putem kojeg se Ukrajini i njezinim stanovnicima već pruža neophodna potpora, koja uključuje smještaj, hranu, bolničku opremu, vozila hitne pomoći, vatrogasna vozila i još mnogo toga.

This cruel war has robbed thousands of Ukrainian children of their innocence and childhood. But it will not deprive them of the bright and happy future they deserve. That's why I am happy that we can help bringing Ukrainian children safely to school. The donation of more than 370 school buses by the Commission and Member States demonstrates our joint commitment to the next generations of Ukrainians.

Ursula von der Leyen, President of the European Commission

Last year, during a visit to the European Parliament, I discussed this with European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen. And now Ukrainian communities are receiving more than 370 buses. This is a great display of solidarity. This is a path towards our children's future - theirs and the entire country's, in the midst of war. This is what school buses mean, this is why they are important.

Olena Zelenska, First lady of Ukraine

Tekuća potpora EU-a

Europa podupire Ukrajinu od početka neopravdane ruske agresije. Europljani su otvorena srca u svoje domove primili više od 8 milijuna Ukrajinaca koji su pobjegli od Putinovih bombi. Među njima ih je više od 4 milijuna zatražilo privremenu zaštitu u državama članicama EU-a. Europske škole primile su stotine tisuća djece iz Ukrajine. Unatoč razaranju i žrtvama koje su podnijeli, Ukrajinci gaje nadu u sigurnu budućnost. Za osiguranje te budućnosti škole moraju biti otvorene i djeca im moraju moći sigurno pristupiti.

How to donate

If you are a public entity or a private company based in the EU and wish to donate buses, please first read carefully the FAQs below. You may also contact the EU Commission Representation in the country that can provide you with additional information about the campaign.

If you are ready to offer buses you should prepare the details of your offer by filling in the document called Technical specifications for bus offers below and send it to: EU-BUSES-UKRAINEatec [dot] europa [dot] eu (EU-BUSES-UKRAINE[at]ec[dot]europa[dot]eu). Please read carefully the Explanations tab in the Excel file.

  • 13. SIJEČNJA 2023.
Technical specifications for bus offers

For any additional questions, the Emergency Response Coordination Centre (ERCC) at the European Commission has a dedicated team to help you. You can contact it via email at EU-BUSES-UKRAINEatec [dot] europa [dot] eu (EU-BUSES-UKRAINE[at]ec[dot]europa[dot]eu).

  • 19. STUDENOGA 2022.
FAQs School buses for Ukraine campaign