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EU's solidaritet med Ukraine
A driver moving a bus donated by Luxemburg city from the EU Civil Protection Mechanism’s logistic hub to the platform that will ship it to Ukraine
Missiles cannot destroy Solidarity

School buses for Ukraine campaign one year after

på Ukraines uddannelsessystem
5,7 millioner
børn i skolealderen er blevet påvirket af Ruslands aggression
Over 2.800
undervisningsfaciliteter er blevet beskadiget eller ødelagt

Solidaritetskampagne for donation af skolebusser

Kommissionen opfordrer offentlige og private enheder i og uden for EU til i de kommende måneder at gå sammen om at udvise solidaritet med Ukraine ved at donere de busser, der er nødvendige for, at ukrainske børn kan komme tilbage i skole på en sikker måde.

Donorerne kan gøre dette gennem EU-civilbeskyttelsesmekanismen, som allerede har spillet en afgørende rolle i at kanalisere støtte til Ukraine og dets befolkning i form af nødly, mad, hospitalsudstyr, ambulancer, brandbiler og meget mere.

This cruel war has robbed thousands of Ukrainian children of their innocence and childhood. But it will not deprive them of the bright and happy future they deserve. That's why I am happy that we can help bringing Ukrainian children safely to school. The donation of more than 370 school buses by the Commission and Member States demonstrates our joint commitment to the next generations of Ukrainians.

Ursula von der Leyen, President of the European Commission

Last year, during a visit to the European Parliament, I discussed this with European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen. And now Ukrainian communities are receiving more than 370 buses. This is a great display of solidarity. This is a path towards our children's future - theirs and the entire country's, in the midst of war. This is what school buses mean, this is why they are important.

Olena Zelenska, First lady of Ukraine

EU's aktuelle hjælp til Ukraine

Europa har støttet Ukraine lige fra starten af Ruslands uberettigede aggression. Europæerne har åbnet deres hjerter og hjem for mere end 8 millioner ukrainere, der er flygtet fra Putins bomber, bl.a. mere end 4 millioner ukrainere, der har søgt midlertidig beskyttelse i EU's medlemslande. Skolerne i EU har budt hundredtusindvis af ukrainske børn velkommen. På trods af ødelæggelser og ofre tror ukrainerne på fremtiden og bevarer håbet. Og denne fremtid begynder med at sikre, at skolerne er åbne, og at børnene kan få adgang til undervisning.

How to donate

If you are a public entity or a private company based in the EU and wish to donate buses, please first read carefully the FAQs below. You may also contact the EU Commission Representation in the country that can provide you with additional information about the campaign.

If you are ready to offer buses you should prepare the details of your offer by filling in the document called Technical specifications for bus offers below and send it to: EU-BUSES-UKRAINEatec [dot] europa [dot] eu (EU-BUSES-UKRAINE[at]ec[dot]europa[dot]eu). Please read carefully the Explanations tab in the Excel file.

  • 13. JANUAR 2023
Technical specifications for bus offers

For any additional questions, the Emergency Response Coordination Centre (ERCC) at the European Commission has a dedicated team to help you. You can contact it via email at EU-BUSES-UKRAINEatec [dot] europa [dot] eu (EU-BUSES-UKRAINE[at]ec[dot]europa[dot]eu).

  • 19. NOVEMBER 2022
FAQs School buses for Ukraine campaign