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EU Solidarity with Ukraine

Sanctions against individuals, companies and organisations

Facts and figures

Over 2 200
individuals and entities sanctioned
More than €28 billion
of private assets in the EU frozen

Facts and figures as of 24 June 2024

Who is being sanctioned

The European Union has sanctioned over 2 200 individuals and entities. This includes

  • the Russian leadership 
  • high-ranking officials 
  • military staff 
  • Wagner group commanders 
  • prominent businesspeople and oligarchs 
  • pro-Kremlin and anti-Ukrainian propagandists 
  • persons and entities operating in the Russian military and IT sector
  • orchestrators of the recent illegal so-called “elections” in the Ukrainian territories that Russia has temporarily occupied
  • key figures involved in the forced “re-education” of Ukrainian children or the illegal deportation of Ukrainian children to Russia
  • companies active in space engineering, in the chemical sector, the explosives sector and in leading Russian energy companies 

Sanctioned individuals

  • all accounts in EU banks are frozen
  • banned from traveling anywhere in the EU
  • illegal to provide assets or funds from the EU to these individuals

Sanctioned companies and organisations

  • all accounts in EU banks are frozen
  • it is illegal to provide assets or funds, directly or indirectly, to them

'Freeze and Seize' Task Force

The Commission has set up a “Freeze and Seize Task Force” to explore links between assets belonging to persons listed under EU sanctions and criminal activities. Investigations and prosecutions are the responsibility of Member States. The aim of the Task Force is to strengthen coordination at operational level to ensure effective enforcement of EU sanctions across all Member States.

The Task Force comprises Commission representatives, contact points from each Member State, Eurojust and Europol. The Task Force coordinates its work with the “Russian Elites, Proxies, and Oligarchs (REPO) Task Force”, set up between the G7 countries, Australia and the European Union.

Public contracts and European funding

  • Full prohibition on the participation of Russian nationals and entities in procurement contracts in the EU

  • Restrictions on financial and non-financial support to Russian publicly owned or controlled entities under EU, Euratom and Member States programmes. No new contracts or agreements with Russian public bodies or related entities will be concluded.


The Commission terminated the participation of Russian public bodies or related entities in all ongoing grant agreements, and suspended all related payments until further notice, under Horizon 2020, Euratom, and Erasmus+. 

For Horizon Europe (except the European Research Council and the European Innovation Council), all legal entities (public and private) established in Russia, Belarus or in non-government controlled territories of Ukraine are not eligible to participate. As a general derogation, natural persons established on those territories may still participate in Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions if they are not on the sanction list.

Sanctions to help combat Russian disinformation and interference

The state-owned and pro-Kremlin disinformation outlets are essential and instrumental in supporting Russia’s aggression against Ukraine. They constitute a significant and direct threat to the EU’s public order and security. This is why the EU has decided to sanction the Kremlin’s disinformation and information manipulation assets.

A suspension is in place of transmission and distribution of:

  • Sputnik and subsidiaries, including Sputnik Arabic
  • Russia Today and subsidiaries, including Russia Today English, Russia Today UK, Russia Today Germany, Russia Today France, Russia Today Spanish, Russia Today Arabic, Russia Today Balkan
  • Rossiya RTR/RTR Planeta
  • Rossiya 24/Russia 24
  • TV Centre International
  • NTV/NTV Mir 
  • Rossiya 1
  • REN TV
  • Pervyi Kanal
  • Oriental Review
  • Tsargrad
  • New Eastern Outlook
  • Katehon
  • Voice of Europe
  • RIA Novosti
  • Izvestia
  • Rossiyskaya Gazeta

All relevant licences, authorisations and distribution arrangements - via cable, satellite, IPTV, platforms, websites and apps - are suspended. This also concerns broadcasting towards third countries.

The advertising of products or services on sanctioned outlets has also been prohibited.

Following the 14th package of sanctions, political parties, NGOs and media service providers in the EU are prohibited from accepting financing by the Russian state and its proxies. This measure has been introduced to protect the integrity and independence of EU political processes, protect EU citizens from manipulation and defend the EU's internal affairs from foreign interference. 

EUvsDisinfo: Disinformation on Ukraine